The Top Dots: I Worship God
The Top Dots: I Worship God
Partner: ITOWN Church
In this super fun, four-week, music-filled series of The Top Dots show, we will be learning all about worship. We will learn about what worship is, how we do it, why we do it, and that God created us to worship Him. Worship is amazing and in this series, we will discover that it can be done in a lot of different ways. From lifting our hands to heaven, to playing beautiful notes with instruments, all the way to serving His people. There are so many ways for us to worship God. So join the top dots as they laugh, sing, and dance with joy and learn all about what it means to worship God!

Each week the kids will go over a different heart of the matter centered around worship:

Part 1: I Worship God (20:05)
Part 2: God Deserves Our Worship (18:51)
Part 3: Praise Beats Complaining (17:38)
Part 4: I Worship God Every Day (18:32)

Verse: Make a joyful noise unto the Lord! Psalms 66:1